
Denny's and free food what?!!

I'm totally not going to do a restaurant review of Denny's. While it is good food, PFB is dedicated to restaurants unique to Provo (at least, restaurants that aren't in California), so I'm totes not gonna talk about the food.

As anyone in Provo/Orem knows, you see a crapton of out-of-staters with their missionary sons/daughters on Wednesdays, which is the day new missionaries arrive at the Provo MTC. They're crawlin' all over the Walmart grabbing whatever they forgot to pack. They're all over the temple taking pictures with their families right before they go into the MTC. And they're also eating out, filling their bodies with fake, greasy food since they won't get enough of that in the MTC cafeteria (#sarcasm). (It's actually smart to make sure your missionary has something to eat, since they go into the MTC at noon o'clock-ish, but the MTC doesn't feed them until 4-ish. Four hours of no food?! That's not American.)

My wonderful cousin Juanita Marple flew into town yesterday so that she could enter the MTC today (Argentina, baby!). But before we took her to the MTC, we decided to go to Denny's where they give missionaries entering the MTC FREE food. It's kind of a sweet deal. All we had to do was say she was a missionary and that was it (she was dressed as one, anyway). I had to pay for my food, but the girl got her food for FREE. Daaaaaaanguh.

Nita and Carol. I can't tell who's more excited for Nita's mission to start. Daaaaaanguh
After dropping her off, I googled where else in Provo missionaries canst eat free on Wednesday. Here's a little bit of a list:

  • Sizzler's in Provo
  • IHOP in Orem
  • Chuck-A-Rama in Provo
  • Olive Garden in Provo
I haven't double-checked whether all these restaurants actually do give missionaries free food; the Internet just told me. Some of the websites I read hadn't been updated in a couple of years, so they may not be 100% completely accurate.

BUTT if you have a friend coming to the MTC in Provo and want to show them a good time before they leave you for two years, check out some of the Provo's hospitality/holy restaurants.

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